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3 years ago
**WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP CLUB: COACHING CULTURE **👍Dear Ladies,Thanks a lot for your participation in our session on Coaching Culture. I believe it was interesting and you have learned a lot of new things!We discussed how to cope with the new reality of constant and disruptive change, inclusive style of leading and managing, the role of collaboration and empowerment. Nidhi shared her professional tips how to use coaching as a leadership style and what makes a woman successful as a leader.WiLC appreciates the support of SSD and welcomes you to our FREE Winter 2022 coming webinars!
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3 years ago
**WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP CLUB: COACHING CULTURE **👍Dear Girls,Women in Leadership Club is cordially inviting you to join the series of Winter 2022 webinars and workshops in the frames of the topic "Set Up to The Challenge". We open the semester with the session presented by Nidhi Gupta, Registered Psychotherapist and Professional Coach, on "Coaching Culture".If you want to know how successful businesses combat the effects of current changes in the economy and social environment, why companies struggle for getting the right people on board, and how a coaching culture allows everyone to play a role in finding solutions, Do Join our session on Feb 8, 2022 at 12 pm. Let's learn and grow together! **Topic: **Coaching Culture (Nidhi Gupta)**Time:** Feb 8, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) **Join Zoom Meeting** [zoom.us/j/94668242523](zoom.us/j/94668242523) **Meeting ID:** 946 6824 2523
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3 years ago
**Thank you to our Student Clubs Facebook Group Raffle Participants** 😊All raffle prize winners will be contacted individually so please check your messages.This Facebook Group will continue to update Hanson Students on our amazing Student Clubs accomplishments, events, challenges and fun. To summarize the 10 reasons why you should join a Hanson School-Sponsored Club, check out the picture below 👇
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3 years ago
Hello , i want to know something.I m an international student and one of my friend applied in this college .He got refusal and i tried to call on all hanson college numbers but got no response Someone visited college too but there was no one available at the office.Can anyone help me to sort this problem.We need refund as soon as possible.
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3 years ago
**HANSON EVENTS CLUB CELEBRATES LUNAR NEW YEAR** 🐯On February 1st 2022, Hanson Events Club celebrated Lunar New Year with exciting festivities, games, and prizes 🌓🔥.Congratulations to the following winners:**Quiz Winner: **Harini Kanthamaneni**Raffle Winners: **John, Rubinder Singh, Navneet MinhasThank you to everyone who joined!
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